LinkedIn Profile Scraper

Scrape publicly available data from LinkedIn profiles.

How it works?

linkedin profiles scraper
  • This scraper runs with the botsol crawler application, download and install from here
  • Run the app, it will open a chrome browser and load the Linkedin profiles page (
  • You will need to login on LinkedIn website with your LinkedIn account.
  • You can search for your desired profiles, apply any filter you want to get the required profiles.
  • When your required profiles are shown,Click the "Start Bot" button on the botsol app.
  • The app will automatically open each LinkedIn profile on a new tab, and extract information available on the page.
  • When the extraction is complete or stopped, You will be able to export the extracted data to CSV/Excel.

What It Extracts

It will extract the following information from the Linkedin profile:
  • Name
  • Title
  • Location
  • Company
  • Experience
  • Education
  • Licenses & Certifications
  • Languages
  • About
  • Connections Count
  • Followers Count
  • Picture Url
  • Overview
  • Phone
  • Email, Phone, IM, Twitter, Websites, Address etc from Contact Tab (If available)
  • URL

* The free version only extracts 5 profiles at a time.

Standard Monthly Subscription price is $30 per month. You can cancel the subscription any time.

Try Free Version

This sample file will show what data fields are extracted with this scraper, It gives you an idea about what kind of data you will get after buying this LinkedIn company scraper. This CSV file can be viewed in any spreadsheet software like MS excel or google sheets.

LinkedIn Profiles Scraper Features

Extract LinkedIn Profiles Information

It will extract almost all the information that is publicly available on LinkedIn.

NO APIs Required

LinkedIn Profiles Extractor does not use any API, It automates the Chrome browser and works like a real user. Its behavior is the same as a real user. You can see what it’s doing in the browser.

Easy to use

It’s super easy: just search for people on the LinkedIn website, apply any filters if you want, and when search results are shown simply press the ‘Start’ button and it will start extracting data from profiles.


We’ll make sure that whenever there’s any change on the LinkedIn website affecting this tool's functionality, we will update the software ASAP, so you can continue using it without any issue.

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